Assistant Chief Jeff Ruchti Retires after 41 Years

After 41 years of serving the community he loves, Chief Jeff Ruchti is taking off his boots, hanging up his turnout gear and putting his helmet on the shelf for the last time and retiring from our department. Very few can say they gave that many years of hard work and dedication to the community they live in.

Chief Ruchti gave his all to the department and was always there to help when ever he could.

He was a very instrumental part in completing out the merger between the Hamel and Loretto Fire Departments that created the West Suburban Fire District.

We must also thank his family and especially his wife Sue, who sacrificed so much for chief Rutchi to leave at the spur of the moment to help those in need.

You’ve been a leader in the fire service during these challenging times of recruitment and retention, budgeting, unrest, Covid and many other challenges, you’ve been that glue holding every together.

You gave it your all up until the very last day answering calls, attending meetings and caring out your duties as the station chief.

So on be half of the members of the West Suburban Fire District and the communities you’ve served for so many years, we say THANK YOU!
Your leadership and commitment will truly be missed going forward!

October 12
Last night we honored Assistant Chief Jeff Ruchti’s last business meeting. He is retiring on November 1st from the fire service. Jeff’s 41 years serving the department and the community is a remarkable accomplishment. He was a huge key to making the merger happen. Thanks Jeff for your service and we wish you the best in your future. You will be missed! Stay safe!